I just keep running into nice people and having more fun with D-Star. Really!
Thanks to the efforts of CNHARC – The Central NH Amateur Radio Club folks W1DDI and N1PA there’s a newly revitalized network of repeaters in Southern and Central NH. And I can hit at least one of these from my house: NE1DV (module B). What’s really nice about NE1DV (which is atop Mt. Uncanoonuc) is that it’s part of a wider network of multi-mode repeaters, all linked via XLX026.
I can even make it into NE1DV from my 5W handheld in my car, when driving around Southern NH.
So, wherever I go, I now have a D-Star repeater that I can access. In NH it’s the NE1DV family of repeaters (including NE1DS, and NN1PA). In MA it’s WB1GOF. And I still have hopes of being able to access the MMRA D-Star repeater in Brookline, MA when I’m in the Boston Area.